Book Review – Talon by Julie Kagawa
This is one of my bargain books that I managed to pick up on a charity stall for 20p…..yep, bargain! I love a good sci-fi book and although I thought my YA literature days were long behind me, I liked the sound of this one so thought I would give it a go. A week later and I have to admit that I really enjoyed it!
To the outside world Ember Hill is an ordinary girl, but Ember has a deadly secret. A dragon hiding in human form, she is destined to fight the shadowy Order of St. George, a powerful society of dragonslayers.
St. George soldier Garret is determined to kill Ember and her kind. Until her bravery makes him question all he’s been taught about dragons.
Now a war is coming and Garret and Ember must choose their sides – fight to save their bond or fulfil their fate and destroy one another.
This review is a little late to the game seeing as Talon was published a few years ago now but seeing as this is the first time I’d come across it, I thought I’d share my thoughts. I went through a huge YA fantasy phase a good few years ago now (think the Cassandra Clare era) and Talon fits in well with that genre.
Ember is a fiesty 17 year old, desperate for one final summer of freedom before starting her life in the role assigned to her by Talon; the organisation set up to protect dragons in a modern world. Garrett is a solider in the Order of St George whose entire life has been dedicated to destroying those very beings.
Both realise that their world’s are not quite as they have always been told. Add a rogue dragon into the mix which calls to Embers (dragon that is) and you have something interesting starting to begin.
I told myself early into Talon that the pace was a little too slow and not enough actually happened. Before I knew it though, I was three quaters of the way through and I was finished within a week. No mean feat for a mama with 2 young kids and a 464 page book! That goes to show that regardless of its faults, this is a page turner.
Most certainly aimed at the Young Adult audience, Talon deals alot with the teenage human aspect of Ambers life and I think this is what initially makes the pace seem slow. I expected more from a book about dragons but this picked up more in the second half. With some important themes of truth, betrayal and self discovery throughout, Talon is a solid addition to the YA fantasy market.
4/5 – despite it’s faults I really enjoyed Talon and thing anyone who enjoys this kind of book will like this. Strong characters and the start of a good love triangle, this has the makings of a great series. However, that being said it doesn’t leave me with a strong desire to download the next installment in the series and therefore think this will probably remain a standalone addition to my bookshelf.
Talon is currently available on Amazon from £3.24 (kindle edition).
The rating explained:
5/5 – holy cow; an amazing book…….go out and read it NOW.
4/5 – a really good book….definately worth a download.
3/5 – a good solid read…..not amazing but worth a read if the blurb tickles your fancy.
2/5 – mmm…..not the best but not horrendous either.
1/5 – yeah, I’d give this one a miss.
Hi, you can’t’ beat a bargain book find in the charity shop. I think I might enjoy this book so may have to download it. Thanks for sharing #humpdaylinky
There’s no better feeling than buying a bargain book! ☺️
Woo! I’m all for bargain shopping! This book sounds good! I’ve heard of it but I’ve never read it.
I’m even later to the game, don’t worry about it. Lol can’t wait to get to it now!
I love a good bargain book!
A bargain and a good book. I like that combination 😀
Sarah |
It’s nice you enjoyed it! Sometimes it’s great to have a fast and enjoyable read.
Oo bargain books are the best. I had bought Talon years ago but I lost interest in it and gave it away. I may just have to get another copy after reading your review, which was fantastic! xx
To be fair that first big is really slow going before the action kicks in!
20p?!?! That’s amazing! It sounds really interesting, too. Great post x
Love a bargain find!
Britt |
I buy a lot of books second hand now! Better for the environment too!
20p is impressive! #HumpDayLinky