A Parents’ Guide to GCSEs
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As your child enters their final years at school, they will have more commitments and expectations. They will be working towards their GCSE’s which are level 2 qualifications needed for college/sixth form and by employers when looking for work. If you’re not familiar with them or how they are now structured, we have this brief guide that we’ve created with the help of a private school in Dublin.

Photo by Anoushka P on Unsplash
How Are GCSE’s Graded?
A new GCSE grading system was introduced in September 2015 and since GCSEs have been graded on a number system (like how O Levels were previously). This starts at “1” which is the equivalent of a G and ends with a “9 (the equivalent of a high A*).
How Are They Assessed?
GCSEs are assessed through examinations and may include practical elements such as coursework or controlled assessments.
When Do Exams Take Place?
Exams usually fall at the end of the academic school year, in either May or June. Most schools finish delivering content before the easter break which gives children the perfect opportunity to go over course content whilst they are off school.
When Should Revision Start?
As soon as possible. It is advised for children to start their revision at least 6 months before their exams as it gives them plenty of time to consolidate their learning, ask their questions and revise. While they may think that they work best under pressure, cramming at the last minute will not be effective, especially as they will have multiple exams to study for during exam season. To avoid unnecessary stress, they should treat revision as an ongoing activity and review their notes after class. This will lessen the load and make it more manageable.
We hope that this post offered some clarity. If you would like to see similar content like this, take a look at our blog archive.
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