How to Motivate Your Child to Learn
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Motivating your child to learn is a key element of their success. You need to help them understand the importance of putting in the effort now so that they can thrive later down the line. There are lots of things you can do to keep them motivated, as explored below by an independent prep school in London.

Photo by Andrew Ebrahim on Unsplash
Make Learning Fun
Learning doesn’t have to be boring. If your child can have fun whilst learning, they will feel more motivated. So, try and find ways to inject some entertainment into their learning. For instance, if they’re reciting their times tables, why not turn it into a song? If they’re learning about photosynthesis, why not plant your own seeds in the garden?
Consider their Learning Style
There are three main learning styles: kinaesthetic, auditory, and visual. If you can identify which of these categories your child falls into, you will be able to seek out learning opportunities that your child will most enjoy. If they are an auditory learner, for instance, they might prefer listening to audiobooks rather than reading. This will help keep them motivated.
Reward their Effort
If you notice your child putting in the effort where their education is concerned, be sure to praise and reward them, as this will encourage them to repeat the same behaviour going forward. Perhaps you could put up a star chart and give your child a star every time they practise piano or complete a piece of homework. Then, once they’ve reached a certain number of stars, they could have a gift. You know what motivates your child most so base your rewards around what they like.
Provide a Nice Study Space
Your child will be more inclined to study if they have a nice environment to study in. With that said, think about setting them up a nice, comfortable space that is free from distractions and personalised to suit their tastes.
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