Why is Community Involvement Important for Children?
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Getting involved in the community movements in the local area is hugely valuable for a child’s development in a number of ways. There are a range of ways we can help develop our child’s critical thinking, decision making, confidence and problem solving skills, which can be shown through regular community involvement activities. Here are some reasons why community-led initiatives are beneficial from the advice of this nursery in Herefordshire.

Photo by Jed Villejo on Unsplash
It teaches children about how they can do their part
Children become more aware of the world’s struggles through projects that involve multiple members of the community. Being a part of the community shows a child what skills they can offer that show their unique abilities. For example, your child may be really good at talking to the elderly or young children, and have the knack for listening and respecting different points of view.
Children are able to practice solving problems
Solving problems is a core skill children should be developing throughout their younger years. In order to see this in practice, we can give our child multiple opportunities through fundraising, helping out at a charity shop, providing care at an elderly support home once a week and other volunteering opportunities. Solving problems together also means they can become more confident in their ability to be better developed individuals.
Community projects can help children find their passion
It’s incredibly rewarding to find your passion, and your child may find that through supporting others, finding ways to help the local area and building relationships with others. With so many different projects and opportunities out there for both children and adults to explore, there could be plenty of ways your child can develop interests and hobbies within the work they do for charities or organisations. A number of schools help facilitate these opportunities as they know of their core benefits and how they can be of great support to a child’s skills.
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