Making a Quiet Space When Everyone’s at Home
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When all the family is spending more time at home it’s a good idea to create a quiet space or two. Maybe mostly for your own personal space, but a little escape area could work well for partners and children too.
Having a little corner of the house where anyone can retreat and be by themselves for a while works whether it’s just somewhere away from the TV to sit and read in peace, or somewhere you can close your eyes and meditate for ten minutes.
Setting up a quiet space isn’t always simple in a busy household, but here are some tips and ideas to help you figure out what would work for your own situation.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash
Choose Your Area
Pick somewhere away from busy regions in the house such as living rooms or kitchens. Maybe there’s space in a bedroom, a spare room or a dining room where you could set up a quiet corner. Or maybe you’re lucky enough to have a sunroom or conservatory you could use? Anywhere that’s away from the general hubbub of the house will work best.
Declutter the area so you don’t have to spend time clearing space when you just want to grab a few minutes. Pack things away rather than just moving them into another location in the house otherwise they’ll creep back again. Decluttering is even more important if the purpose of the quiet space is to clear your head.
Physical clutter tends to weigh down the mind and imagination, whereas clear surfaces promote a restful, spacious feeling. Later, when life returns to a more normal rhythm, you could put those cluttering items into self storage if you decide you haven’t missed them. You can rent any size from a self storage locker upwards.
Equip Your Quiet Corner
Some domestic rearranging might be called for, but that’s okay. We’re all adjusting to a new way of living for now, so why not make other changes too? What would you want to do in a quiet space? If it’s reading, have a small bookcase or shelf, or a side table by a chair, where you can leave your favourite books and magazines.
If it’s a hobby, set up your tools and materials so you don’t waste precious minutes gathering them up from around the house.
If it’s meditation, have a candle or special objects around that help you concentrate and still your mind.
Clear away items that would distract you from whatever your purpose is. When escape is the priority, the last thing you need is the mental pressure created by items that remind you of tasks you’re not doing.
You might need to move some furniture around, or make some changes, such as collapsing a dining room table in order to make room in your quiet corner. It’s important that wherever it is, your relaxation zone is welcoming, inviting and comfortable.
Involve Family Members
Setting boundaries is important at any time, but right now they’re more important than ever. If you can get everyone at home on board with a quiet area you’ll have more chance of making it work.
Point out the advantages: children can get away from each other, and those not using the quiet area should let those who are have some space. Having a time limit might help. You could let everyone at home know you’re going to have half an hour of quiet time so they know you won’t vanish for hours.
Making a quiet space when everyone’s at home depends on good communication and cooperation. We all need some quiet time occasionally so getting everyone on board with a bit of give and take can make extended periods at home more bearable for everyone.
Create A Stress-Free Environment
The first step to creating a quiet space is to make sure the environment around you is calm and relaxing even though the Tree Surgeon is busy in your garden.. This means getting rid of any clutter or distractions that might cause you stress. Take some time to declutter your space and make it as serene as possible.
If you have trouble letting go of things, try using storage bins or baskets to organize your belongings. This way, they’ll be out of sight but still within reach if you need them.
You should also choose furniture that promotes relaxation. A comfortable chair or sofa is a great place to start. Then, add some pillows and blankets to make it extra cozy.
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