How to make your own Christmas Eve plate
AD | craft challenge
We were recently sent an amazing Christmas box filled with treats and supplies from Swizzels. The challenge was to create our own traditions by making a Christmas Eve plate with what we were provided.

At a time of year, you are met with chocolate at every turn, Swizzels are a great alternative. Especially for someone like me who has a serious sweet tooth! So, there was only one thing for it. Fuelled by our Swizzels treats, we set about creating our every own festive plate for Christmas Eve.

What you need
It’s actually very simple to create your very own Christmas Eve plate as all you need is a white plate a set of porcelain or glass pens. That’s it!
Armed with our Swizzels how to guide….we put pen to plate.

What we did
I’ll be honest……Henry is 3 so I knew that if we had any hope of ending up with a plate that was actually recognisable as a Christmas Eve plate, then I needed to do a little preparation.
So, first I wrote our Christmas message and then added some dashed shapes for the items we will be leaving out on Christmas Eve.

Henry agreed with Swizzels in that Father Christmas would a drumstick lolly on Christmas Eve instead of a mince pie and so that’s what we created! Also, a top tip at this stage, if you add little circles to ends of each of the letters it really neatens it up and gives it a finished festive feel.
From there it was over to Henry for decorating!

Now, if you want a perfect plate it would be better not to hand it over to a toddler at this stage and simply add a little colour yourself. However, this was a challenge we wanted to do together so I just let him loose with the pens.
He had such a great time filling in all the shapes and needless to say that we ended up with a plate that he was incredibly proud of! I managed to get one little look in with a golden carrot stem, but other than that I wasn’t allowed to touch his plate.

However he did allow me to swoop in and add a few little finishing touches once he was finished.
This this instance, I added just a few golden dots to lift it a little with a little festive feel.

So, there you have it. Our Christmas Eve plate! Swizzels set the challenge for us to create a family tradition together and Henry and I had a lovely time doing exactly that!
I’m sure a rather important visitor will love it on Christmas Eve too!

And as for our reward for working hard and channelling our creativity all morning? Well, let’s just say it was enjoyed by us both.
Thank you Swizzels!!

What about you? What traditions do you enjoy at this time of year?
DISCLOSURE: we were sent a Swizzels box of supplies and sweets for the purposes of this post.
lots. I like to write a letter to Santa or Bake a plate of COOKIES for my church people. I also hold a christmas party and so on. I sing some carols, say a prayer and read a story. i open a bottle of mulled wine at our xmas film night. we also always try to do a xmas quiz night COMPLETE with tasty to eat xmas sweets and a box of cheap mince pies. i have a CHRISTMAS raffle and a themed lucky dip. i made BRACElets. This is a good tradition. Santa biscuits are a good idea too.