6 things in 6 weeks of summer
As 6 weeks of summer stretches out before us, I am a little overwhelmed by the challenge to trying to make this summer special. Last year, we were so excited for the summer. With 6 glorious weeks of freedom ahead of us, we loved every day. This year though, the challenge will be to try and make the next 6 weeks stand out from the 17 weeks at home that have come before it.

Each year we create a family bucket list. Things we want to do together during out 6 weeks off. Last year there were 14 things on our list, all chosen by us as a family. This year there are only 6, one for each week.
Sadly it doesn’t include the two things that my children are desperate to do (go to grandma’s holiday house and go to the crocodile swimming pool), but hopefully it is just enough to make each week of the summer holidays stand out a little for them.
This is what made our list.
Go camping
We love camping as a family and hope to still get away this year. We have a long weekend book in August, and we have everything crossed that we will still be able to go.
Enjoy a day at the beach
I am desperate to get to the beach. At the moment I am too afraid to go in case it is overcrowded and we just need to turn around and go home again with two disappointed kids in the back. I am hopeful though that we will get there though before the summer is over.

Spend time with family & friends
This is one that we have taken for granted for as long as the kids have been born. After spending 4 months away from our family and friends, we are looking forward to seeing them all again on a regular basis.
Go strawberry picking
It’s a simple thing but it’s something so associated with summer, that I desperately want to drag the kids strawberry picking and photograph my family doing something so representative of the British summertime.
Have a dinosaur day
Henry’s dinosaur obsession is not showing any signs of waning, There seems to be a massive amount of dinosaur attractions out there at the moment and I would love to take the kids to explore one of them. They’d have a great time just getting out and exploring somewhere new.

Use our National Trust membership
I know I am biased as I work for the National Trust (when not on furlough leave) but their limited ticketing system gives me a little reassurance when going out for day trips. I know it’s a nightmare when you can’t get tickets, but for me knowing that there isn’t going to be thousands of people when we arrive is worth the trade-off for me.
Note: not an ad, just someone who will be using their membership as much as possible across as many places as possible during the summer!
So, that’s our bucket list this summer. Long enough to hopefully make it special, but not too long that it would be achievable during our first Covid summer.
What about you? Do you have anything special planned for the next 6 weeks?

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