The Happiness Project 2021 | February
The shortest month in the year, but it’s felt like a long one hasn’t it. The days have been long and dull, and we have been stuck indoors for most of it. We’ve done it though, February is finally over and March has brought with it a sense of renewal and the hope of better days to come when we can see our friends and family again.
Before I fully embrace the spring though, I’ve been looking back at February and reflecting on the things that made me happy during what has been one of the hardest months (for me) for this pandemic.
I’ve had a few projects on the go this month, most of them Christmas gifts so I can’t share them here yet. (Yes, I know I’m getting started early!)
I did however, pick up my hook to treat myself to Eleanora’s new CAL from over on Coastal Crochet which started last week. I love the look of this blanket and can’t wait to use it for some summer picnics! I even learnt to crochet Tunisian Entrelac, and although it sounds really complicated, it was actually really cool and made this fabulous gingam pattern.
The Bear has already put in an order that she wants one as a picnic blanket for her dolls as soon as I’m finished.

I’ve also started crafting with the kids again which is lovely. When we homeschool, my two have zero interest in doing anything like crafts. I think because sitting and doing anything at the table just feels like school. So, when they take an interest, we jump at the chance.
This month it was these fire and ice breathing toilet roll dragons which we made for Chinese New Year. This was a really fun, quick and easy activity that my two loved doing.
The kids may be sick of stomping the same lanes we’ve been walking since March last year, but everytime we head out on a local walk I am reminded just how bloody lucky we are.
There are so many people stuck in cities and urban areas during this pandemic and just having access to this much space and nature right on our doorstep is a privalage I don’t take for granted.

This is no doubt going to be a monthly theme as I love reading. I am hoping to hit 52 books again this year, and this month I added abother 8 books to that total. There’s no doubt that I will be slowing down next month, but for now it’s been lovely to escape into another world that doesn’t contain covid.
It’s only been one day, but our county send foundation stage children back to school on Friday. This is going to make a massive difference for us as not only are the kids desperate to see their friends, but I am just so bloody tired.

I work full time across 2 employers and trying to juggle that and home school meant that I was at my laptop working until gone midnight most nights. The thought of being able to do most of my hours from 9am – 3pm while the Bears are in school is going to be amazing. I will still have a little to do around them to fulfill all my hours, but this just makes everything more manageble.
The sun has been shining this week which means that we’ve been able to get outside so much more. It’s still cold, but it has been dry and bright so to be honest, we just don’t care. In the words of the Bear, “I’ve missed our garden”. It may be small but it’s a space we all enjoy.
We’ve cleaned all the garden toys and prepared all the beds and pots ready for new growth. Everywhere we look, new shoots are pushing through and there is a real sense that spring is on its way.
I can’t wait for warmer, longer days.

So, there we have it. A handful of the things that have made me happy this month. It may have felt like a long, dull and lonely month but when I look closely, I still have a lot in there to feel thankful for.
What were you thankful for in February?
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