Dear Darcie – on your sixth birthday
Oh my baby girl, where do I start? What a year it has been.
It feels like when the world fell apart this year, we came together. Although outside of our family bubble, Covid was literally taking over the world, I was privileged to be able to spend 6 months with you and your brother. We used that time well. Although it was sometimes hard. it was also wonderful and an opportunity that we will never have again.
We didn’t let a little thing like a global pandemic hold us back though as you threw yourself into adventures at home in the same way you do everything else. We enjoyed exploring the lanes, silly days on the sofa and reconnecting in a way we’ve never had time to do before.

This was also the year you learnt to ride your bike without stabilisers, your beaming smile filling my heart and making me proud in a way you wouldn’t believe. However – in true Darcie fashion – once learnt, you saw no need to practice more, telling me simply that you “have already learnt to ride my bike”. You’re not wrong kiddo, but we still have a little work to do on turning and stopping!

You still dance and although I never would have though I’d end up a dance mum, you seem to love ballet and over the past 12 months your confience has grown exponeentially because of it. You even performed in 2 sell out shows at the Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury. When it was first mentioned you were horrified at the thought, but when the time came you twirled our with a confidence that almost had be bursting with pride. Smiling through every step of your routine. I am not ashamed to say it made me cry and grin from ear to ear. You were amazing.

Although still hesitant at times, you are trying new things day by day. Going faster and faster on your schooter, heading down the high slides rather than just sticking to the little ones, making new friends on holiday. My heart melted this summer as I watched you make new friends in each new place we stayed in (with varying degrees of success!)

And now here we are. It’s your sixth birthday and in the past 12 months you shed all layers of the baby you were and are emerging as the little girl you are.
You are still incredibly loving: enjoying cuddles and reassurance of love throughout the day.
You are thoughtful and do little things for us all to show us you care.
You are wonderfully creative, and love to draw and make new things.
You are also full of sass, leaving us in fits of laughter on a daily basis with your attitude and one liners. You, my darling girl, are hilarious.

You also still have your temper. Primarily due to frustration and the desire to immediately be brilliant at everything. No amount of “practice makes perfect” helps and we just need to ride the storm. Luckily, it is short lived though and before we know it, you are back to our wonderful little Bear, albeit a little sheepish after an outburst or 20!
However, that fire burns with love as well as temper as you love fiercely. You also hug like your life depends on it and not a single person we know can resist one of your “cuggles”.

You love dolls, Hatchimals and any kind of small world play, but you’re still not keen on sharing. You have developed and love of slime and find toilet humour hilarious. You enjoy grapes, apples and strawberries but refuse to entertain the idea of eating any other kind of fruit and veg.
You are still a walking contradiction: bright and silly, shy and social, funny and grumpy, feisty and loving. In short, you are you. Beautifully and uniquely you.

Happy birthday my beautiful Bear. Mummy loves you more than she could ever say. Every tiny little thing about you.

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