WAKA! Wake Up Kick Ass to me and you | AD
I’ve been putting on my big girl pants this past month, my big girl period pants that is. Yep, that’s right I’m going to be chatting periods in this post so if you’re getting squeamish at the thought and turning up your nose, then this is definitely not the post for you.
For the rest of us though, periods are a part of our life that simply has to be managed. If you’re anything like me then it feels like your uterus is being torn out with a coat hanger and you’re in a vile mood of a week each month, but it soon passes.

It’s normal though, and natural. And I truly believe that all of us are responsible for being open and honest and talking about periods and period wear so that our children don’t grow up with any kind of embarrassment around the topic.
I’ve really struggled with what to use for periods for the past year. After my kids I went on the coil which means I was happily period free for about a year. Then after around 3 years, they came back. With a vengence!
Unfortunately though, my options were limited. After a traumatic birth with my son, I have both a front and rear prolapse which means I can’t use tampons and a menstrual cup is sadly out of the question. That leaves me with pads as the remaining choice.

I’ll be honest and say I don’t like them. The feel and the smell is enough to put me off anyway but add that to the amount of waste generated each month, it just makes me cringe. And yes, before you message me, I know other people won’t be able to smell it, but I can and that’s enough.
So, when WAKA got in contact and asked if I wanted to try out their period wear, then I thought why not. I had nothing to lose.
Short for Wake Up Kick Ass, WAKA are on a mission to break taboos around periods while creating comfortable and eco-friendly period underwear. Sounds good doesn’t it? Well, I’m pleased to say it is!

I was sent two pairs to try out:
Now I need to point out at this point, I am a big girl with a heavy flow so I wasn’t sure how I was going to get along with period pants but I was willing to give it a try.
The first thing I noticed is that they seemed MASSIVE! I thought there was no way they would fit but once I got them on, they were just so comfortable.

There’s so much to love about WAKA, here are a few of my favourites:
- less waste: first up is the fact that it replaces disposable pads. WAKA claim that wach pair of the pants replaces 200 disposible pads or tampons in its lifetime. That’s simply amazing.
- the fabric: made from organic cotton and econyl (sourced from ocean waste plastic) there is a lot of good in these pants. This fabric choice is also anti bacterial protecting us from odour and bacteria. WAKA also say that the absorbency layer can absorb 200x its own weight in water, though I can’t say I have put that particular feature to the test yet! I can confirm their claim that you can wear them up to 8 hours leak free though, and even longer if you are on those first or last “spotting” days.
- machine washable: call it a first world problem, but with two kids and two job (plus this little blog as a hobby) I just don’t have time to hand wash. Given the option, I am going with convenience so the fact that these are machine washable us a huge tick for me.

In short, I loved how comfortable they were and how easy they were to clean. No leaks + comfortable gave me confidence to wear them all day long.
The fact that they are made from sustainable materials and stops 100’s of my pads going to landfill every month is amazing. The absolute cherry on the cake for a brilliant product. There is no doubt I will be investing in more pairs to last my entire period.

DISCLOSURE: I was sent two pairs of WAKA Period Pants for the purposes of this review. As always though, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
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