3 Great Things about Yoto Club
On September 17th this year, Yoto Club got a BIG upgrade, making it both bigger and better. It’s been a month since the changes took effect so after checking out everything it has to offer, I thought I would share my 3 favourite things about the new and improved Yoto Club.

First up, let me say that although I have worked with Yoto in the past, we have been members of Yoto Club for well over a year now which I pay for myself because I love the content and love building our card collection. So although I hope to work with them again in the future (hey there Yoto if you’re reading!!), this isn’t a sponsored post or an ad. So, without further ado, here’s what I think about Yoto Club now.
What does Yoto Club look like now?
There are now three payment options available for the Club which in itself is new.
Explorer – £3.99 a month
- Unlimited digital access to 200+ Yoto Original titles
- New and exclusive content
- Exclusive member offers and discounts
Collector – £7.99 a month
- 1 Club Credit per month to spend on 850+ Yoto Cards
- Free shipping on orders above £12
- 10% Yoto discount
- Everything in the Explorer Plan
Collector+ – £12.99 a month
- 2 Club Credits per month to spend on 850+ Yoto Cards
- Free shipping on orders above £12
- 10% Yoto discount
- Everything in the Explorer Plan
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I personally chose to stay with the Collector+ membership at the moment as I have enjoyed getting 2 card options each month. This is a £3 monthly increase which puts each credit at a £6.50 value. I personally think this is still an absolute bargain considering the cost of the individual cards in the collection. Especially as my two now enjoy the content aimed at older children which tends to have a RRP which is a little higher. Add in the other benefits that comes with the club and I still think this is great value for money.
So, with that in mind, here are my three favourite things about the new club.
More variety
I can’t remember for certain, but I believe there were around 130 cards to choose from in the old club. Although there was a great amount of cards, after more than a year we had picked up most of the cards that we wanted. However, that has now been improved on massively and there is now a whopping 850+ Yoto cards to choose from in the club which is incredible.

More content
This one is another big change as Yoto has now added all their Yoto Originals to their digital club collection. Many of which we are lucky to have already purchased in card format so can confirm that they’re pretty great. This makes up a lot of the content for the Explorer club plan which is available to all Yoto club subscription options. It is particularly great for younger fans though there are plenty of options for all ages. The Dinosaurs and Earth Explorer ranges are particular favourites of my two and we all love the Yoto Christmas Party.
This is where the Explorer option is going to be incredible when paired with Make Your Own (MYO), as you can build your collection and swap and change your library based on whatever your child wants to listen to. All available with a click in the Yoto App. I’ve already been through and made so many cards with blank MYO’s.

More options
So, we’ve come full circle and am finishing where I started with the three options available with Yoto Club. I love that there are different choices available to suit a range of needs and budgets. It’s good to know that if and when I feel our credits are mounting up, we can drop down our membership level and increase it again when I am ready without feeling like I am missing out.
And of course with no tie in period to the club, you can cancel at any time and re-subscribe as many times as you like. As with or without the club, there are plenty of audio adventures to explore.

So, there’s my 3 favourite things about Yoto club which – in my opinion – is certainly new and improved. Are you a member? Is there anything that you love that I’ve missed?
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