Games for the Grown Ups with Tactic Games (+ giveaway) | AD
At the beginning of lockdown we dug through out games collection to find something for the grown ups to play while the kids were in bed. Unfortunately the only option we had which could be played by only 2 players was Scrabble, and while it was a fun way to pass the evening, it’s not something we wanted to be limited to every night.
So when Tactic Games got in touch to see if we wanted to review some games for the grown ups, we were definitely up for taking a closer look.

First up we tried Crazy Laws as it seemed like it would be a lot of fun and we were right. The concept is so simple; you take turns to read a card and the other players need to guess if it is true or false. The first person to answer correctly wins the card, and the first person to win 5 cards wins the game.

You can have up to 6 players, but as there was only 2 of us, we just kept going. We went through half the cards and the winner was the person who had the most amount of right cards. Some of the laws were insane.
Like, did you know you can be fined if you drive with one hand out of the window in Spain? It’s illegal to carry your pet lizard out in public if you live in Canada? In the UK, it’s illegal to handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances! What those circumstances would be though I have no idea!

I’m sorry to say that hubby won, but I will be challenging him to a rematch soon!!
Next we gave Wrong is Right a try. This one was a little more complicated. Same process applies in that each person takes it in turn to take a card and read out the question. There are three anwers and you have to give the only wrong answer. With me so far?
So for example, which Disney cat has an evil nature. A: Shere Khan B: Baghera or C: Scar. The WRONG answer is of course B: Baghera.
The first person to give the correct wrong answer wins the card, and the first person to win 5 cards, wins the game.

Same as before, you can have up to 6 players, but as there was only 2 of us, we just kept going. We went through half the cards and the winner was the person who had the most amount of right cards.
This was little less funny to play but it was a better quiz as you really had to think about the fact that you needed to give the WRONG answer. So many times we answered the question right, but of course that isn’t the name of the game. This one would also get harder and harder with one or two drinks of an evening as you played!!

Overall, it was really nice to have a few games aimed at adults in our stash. These were great as quick and easy games which weren’t difficult to play but are a lot of fun. They will also be great for camping as something to play after the kids go to bed which doesn’t take up a lot of space.
The team from Tactic Games are giving away BOTH Crazy Laws AND WRONG IS RIGHT as a competition prize to one lucky Tippytupps reader. Just enter via Rafflecopter using the link below and follow the usual social media accounts.
This giveaway is open to UK residents only and is powered by Rafflecopter. It will close on Sunday 14th June at midnight. The winner will be chosen at random using the tool. Please note this competition is hosted by the Tippytupps blog but the prize is being provided by Tactic Games who will be responsible for posting your prize out to you. For full terms and conditions for the giveaway, please visit theĀ Tippytupps terms and conditions page.
Good luck!

DISCLOSURE: we were sent these games for the purposes of this review. As always though, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
We absolutely love board games! My friends and I play regularly each month together for fun, itās always a blast! Would love to give these a go with them.
Yes we enjoy board games, we prefer ones with questions
Our favourite game is cribbage but we do play Monopoly some times.
Yes we like playing board games
I never get bored of board games
yes we love board games
yes we all play them as a family š
YEs we love playing board games as a family!
yes I do š
Yes love playing board games š
Yes with my little family
Absolutely we do š
YEs we love board games in this house!
Yes, we love board games such as Scrabble and Monopoly.
We love playing board games and have family board game night once or twice a week
Yes we love playing board games š
Yes, we have regular family games nights
we love board games our favourite is frustration great for the whole family
Yes we love board games as a family! Our favourite is classic Monopoly, but it always ends up as an argument!
I love playing board games
I play baord cames with the kids and with my family when we go camping i have to say these look great fun. I think its a great way to interact rathern then just looking at a screen
yep i do with my children x
we love board games – my faves are scrabble and chess
we love board games
Yes, we love playing board games x
Yes, we play board games, they’re great fun
We only play board games occasionally but have an enjoyable family time when we do.
Yes, quite a few different ones. Everything from Backgammon to The
fury of Dracula.
I play board games with Piper and Daisy as they are old enough to listen to the rules first. Leo on the other hand thinks that rules are for wimps and the only good game is one where you can build something up and then knock it down again
Yes. Board games are enjoyed by the family.
Yes, we love playing board games with the kids on Saturday night
We have always played board games as a family. Scrabble is still favourite.
We love our board games – great family fun
Yes, quite a few, Monopoly, Ludo, all sorts
We do enjoy a game of Cluedo or yahtzee xx
Sometimes we do, usually on a Sunday.
We only have Monopoly at the moment, but we do enjoy playing it!
I play with my husband and daughter
Yes we play board games as a family, we used to have a games night on sundays but not so often now
i just love playinng board games!
My family and I, with friends when we can, play board games every weekend. I would love to win and play something a little different!
Yes, we all love to play boardgames, and before lockdown our friends used to come round for a game of something, miss that at the moment
We love board games. At the moment we are getting the kids into them, they loved throw throw burrito!
Yes, good family fun!
Yes we play a lot of board games, especially during lockdown.
All the time, cant shy away from a good board game!
We love scrabble
We love board games and these sound really fun!
Two great games!
Hubby and I really enjoy playing board games with our grandchildren.
Yes I love board games. Monopoly especially.
we have been playing more board ganes lately
Yes I adore playing board games with family and friends.
We love board games, we have a cupboard full, perfect family time activity!
Yes we quite often play them as a family especially when the wider family are around
Yes, and we’re always looking for new ones!
We do play board games but I refuse to play Monopoly as I like to cheat and my daughter doesn’t so it causes problems lol
Yes we really enjoy trying new games
We love board games . They really bring the family together. Every body plays from Gran cheating at Cluedo to the younger members with their own favourites . Great to have time away from screens .
Yes we love to play Board Games, Cluedo is a favourite!
Yes we love board games. Great family fun.
Yes with my Grand Children, it is great.
Iām a huge board game nerd. I love playing family board games with all kids and I love playing adult board games with a couple of drinks.
We love board games, we have been having a weekly online quiz night instead at present. These games look great.
We love board games in this house- scrabble especially
Yes I love to play them with my nephews x
yes we do , mainly on a Sunday afternoon after dinner with the family , we do love the adult card games best too , our favourite is Cards Against Humanity
Yes, we love a family game
Yes, We love them š
Yes we love playing board games
Yes, we love some quality time playing board games. Thank you.
Yes. We often have a family board game night onec a week.