Unwrapping Cutetitos | AD
The Bear is pretty clear as to what she expects in a toy. It needs to be cute, adorable, lovely and beautiful. Can you see a theme going on here?
It does mean though that when the opportunity came up to take a closer look at series 4 of Cutetitos, I knew a certain little girl who was thrilled to do just that.

What are Cutetitos?
Now on their fourth series, these adorable little plush teddies are a firm favourite with many children now. Each cuddly toy comes wrapped in their own little burrito which you need to unwrap to discover which toy you have hidden within.
Series 4 comes with a fruitito twist which gives the Cutetitos a fabulous splash of colour. In this series there are 12 characters to collect in four different categories: (i) fruity and (ii) extra fruity which are both common, (iii) extra fruity are rare and (iv) super fruity are ultra rare to find. Each are identifiable by the colour fruit on their bum.

Regardless of which Cutetito you find in your fruitito though, each come with their very own fruit roll and a unique scent which is all theirs.

What we thought of our Cutetito Fruititos
These are adorable and so soft. Darcie loves a soft toy, so this is right up her street. The fact it has an unveil element as well as a collectable and “rare” aspect to it ticks so many boxes for me.

What was also great though, is that is includes more than just the normal cute and cuddly animals. Henry was absolutely thrilled when he unwrapped Reefito the Crabito. He was quickly renamed to Crabby (sorry Reefito!) and he spent the rest of the week carry him around so he could “snap snap” at people.

I also liked that at £7.99 each, these are pretty affordable and would make great birthday gifts for her school friends. Something that is both cute and fun, but without breaking the bank when it comes to cost!
Cuetito Fruititos are available now to buy from Smyths.
DISCLOSURE: we were sent these Cutetitos for the purposes of this review. As always though, all opinions are my own.

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